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Paper submission

Important for final papers

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  • Please sign by hand and upload a scanned copy of the LNCS copyright agreement for the publication in the conference proceedings. (Conference title: Euro-Par 2016, Editors : Dutot et al.)
  • Please remember that all source files must be included, and the LNCS style file must be strictly followed.
  • Please do not try to cheat the system by changing the format. This would only make you lose more time as you would have to remove the format modifications and submit a correctly formatted paper anyway.

Camera ready paper submission

Papers should be submitted through EasyChair. The submission page for camera ready papers is now open: Click here to submit a paper.

Submission guidelines

Submissions in PDF format should not exceed 12 pages in the Springer LNCS style, which can be downloaded from the Springer Web site. Paper submission is handled electronically (EasyChair). The 12 pages limit is a hard limit. It includes everything (text, figures, references) and will be strictly enforced by the submission system. Complete LaTeX sources must be provided for accepted papers. Papers should be typeset using the single column format.

All submitted research papers will be peer-reviewed. Only contributions that are not submitted elsewhere or currently under review will be considered.

Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, published by Springer in the ARCoSS/LNCS series. Authors of accepted papers will have to sign a Springer copyright form.

See also the Call for Papers.

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